Mount And Blade Night Bandits

Mount And Blade Night Bandits Rating: 6,3/10 6604 votes

Brytenwalda is a fun mod for banditry because it allows you to enslave villagers when you raid villages. What I did when I played was ride around the coastline and sail up rivers in my ship, raiding coastal villages. Eventually I took a castle and declared myself the Pirate King. I was so notorious by this point that a bunch of kingdoms immediately declared war on me.

  1. Mount And Blade Night Bandits Movie

I repelled two invasions with my army of mercenaries but eventually was defeated. Since I was roleplaying I figured that the only 'realistic' options were to either die fighting or be captured and executed, so I ended that playthough. Never buy anything, you can only use what you take from others. Get borcha at the start.As 1likecrey said, if you lose it's basically all over. Just use save without quitting.In vanilla / floris the best way to get troops is to stalk manhunters with bandit prisoners, wait until a bandit group attacks them (you can't attack them directly, game wont let you), and then join the fight on the side of the bandits.

Mount And Blade Night Bandits

Mount And Blade Night Bandits Movie

Aug 31, 2015  Mount & Blade: Warband. These are night bandits, and the ones from the quest are exactly like them. To solve this quest, enter the city by daytime, and rest. As soon as you pay the resting fee, you know the night has begun. Try to trade. If you enter the. Jan 19, 2013  Mount&Blade: Warband » The Caravanserai - Released Warband Mods » The Cellar. I have a quest from the Guildmaster of Dijon to clean the street from bandits that spawns in the street at night. But no one ever show up for two night at several different times (dusk, evening, midnight, late night ).

Then win and hire the rescued bandits.This is a pain, but the only way to get real bandit troops.The only other way to get (pseudo) bandit troops is to sneak into towns, sell your stolen goods, go to the pub and hire a bunch of mercenaries dirty cuthroats.What I really want is a mod that lets you attack manhunters directly and lets you set up your own hidden bandit lair. I'll keep dreaming. Thanks, Napalm4Kids, aparently Brytenwalda lets you do this. Banditry is actually a pretty good early game strategy if you want to make quick cash, but it has to be focused.

For example, in my most recent playthrough I started as a cutthroat bandit who raided the Vaegir's whenever I damn well pleased, looting villages and slaughtering trading caravans. Eventually I got strong enough to attack nobles, succeeding in capturing and ransoming a few lesser Boyars. While this earned the indemnity of the Vaegirs, I simply fled to Swadia, the Khergit Khanate or the Nords whenever the long arm of the law was about to come down on me. Protip: horses! Six (or nine? I usually keep twelve) horses in your inventory will vastly speed up your map movement speed, which can mean the difference between death or life.

Take the money your band of vagabonds have won and spend it on productive enterprises before you get poor relations with the various Lords of cities and you'll be in one helluva place to start once you become a lord yourself (plus the Vaegir's relation will reset once you join a faction). Be wary however, you'll have naught but scraps for;dr: Banditry can be great for early game, if well managed.