Battletech 100 Ton Mechs
The Category: Colossal BattleMechs redirects here, because colossal 'Mechs are a sub-group of superheavy 'Mechs (the tripodal ones). See also: BattleMech#Superheavy. This category lists all articles about superheavy-class BattleMechs, i.e. Those exceeding 100 tons of mass. This includes the 'colossal' series.
Well the issue with this iron dragon is that it will fail by critical hits.reinforced structure is great when you don't have locations that cannot be critted - reinforced structure on a 100t mech will soak up more damage then your components can keep.I think a light mech will have more usage of reinforced structure, then a heavier mech.Also, it's better to not get hit rather than soak up damage - so maybe the average BattleMaster might live longer compared to the Iron Dragon. Of course, you can apply the mentioned sloth/turtle - 2/3(2) is a better option than 3/5.Maybe you should simulate some fights to know for sure. On top of what Feign said, you're getting +8 of that from being at long range (+4 base, +2 Chameleon, +2 Null-Sig). Anything that gets in close is only shooting at a +4, which is quite hittable. That could mean a Spider, but it could also mean a C3 spotter. Non-canon, but you can do a 30-tonner 10/20/10(w/MASC) with a C3 slave and a TAG on an IS tech base(XLFE, XL Gyro, no lower arms/hands, ES, and FF to make it all fit) - it's even got near-max armour. Use that TAG to spot for semi-guided LRMs, and the attackers are effectively shooting at close range with no movement mods, so it's actually a +0 to hit with your missile boats, not +12.
Battletech 100 Ton Mechs For Sale
Battletech TBS Discussion and News Future Events. Flashpoint - November 27th. Urban Warfare - Summer 2019. Thank you Glitch, my first 100 ton mech capture on Ironman mode. Official RogueTech Discord Server. Debug Mode disabled? Question about multiplayer. What are the best mechs in Battletech? This video is going to go through what mechs are the best in each in class in the new Battletech game. In this video, we're also going to discuss the builds.
Battletech Mech Builder
The advanced rules giveth, and the advanced rules taketh away. On top of what Feign said, you're getting +8 of that from being at long range (+4 base, +2 Chameleon, +2 Null-Sig). Anything that gets in close is only shooting at a +4, which is quite hittable. That could mean a Spider, but it could also mean a C3 spotter. Non-canon, but you can do a 30-tonner 10/20/10(w/MASC) with a C3 slave and a TAG on an IS tech base(XLFE, XL Gyro, no lower arms/hands, ES, and FF to make it all fit) - it's even got near-max armour.
Battletech 100 Ton Mechs Cheats
Use that TAG to spot for semi-guided LRMs, and the attackers are effectively shooting at close range with no movement mods, so it's actually a +0 to hit with your missile boats, not +12. The advanced rules giveth, and the advanced rules taketh away. I'm not sure I would say they taketh away to a great extent though. We are still talking about something with 26 tones of hardened armour making an atlas feel underarmored.
Finally had time to put together my version. Wanted to get armored components, but not allowed with Hardened armor.