Channel 3 News Chattanooga
Channel 3 News Chattanooga Tennessee Live
ItonyTN, Advertising to the extremeYou can’t click on a single video news story without being forced to watch an advertisement which just adds to sucking the life from your data plan. It is an annoyance and a waste of my time. We get enough commercials trying to watch a live broadcast on tv so why also subject us to it in the app? Also, when I get an alert to my phone for breaking news, I tap it and more times than not, it doesn’t take me to that story. Then when trying to search for that story it is nearly impossible to locate.
Get the latest breaking news, weather and sports for the Chattanooga metro area, including Tennessee, Georgia and Alabama, from your online news leader WRCB TV Channel 3 Eyewitness News. FEATURES: - Breaking News from Chattanooga - Watch the Latest News Video - Current Weather Conditions and Forecasts - Doppler Radar - Sports Updates - Free. Nota matematik tingkatan 1 kssm.