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Jan 15, 2011 Office 2003 will work on Windows 7. Actually, up until recently, I was using Office 2003 and I realized that the spell check is completely outdated when it comes to words that have been recently added to the American lexicon. So keep that in mind that you are dealing with software nearly a decade old. Ryan Windows Outreach Team. Office 2003 compatibility pack. How can the answer be improved? Jul 19, 2010 MS Office 2003 Pro and Windows 7 Pro I have tried every which way to make MS Office 2003 Pro fully compatible with my new Win 7 Pro but there is always something that is not fully compat. I know Office 2003 is no longer supported but that is not in any way part of my question. My question is: Has anyone seen any document anywhere. Dec 20, 2009 Windows 7 appeared to be much more stable & impressive (until now), but you have to have a new mother board & software to use it—who can afford to that? I already got bamboozled buying Vista & finding my new DVD drive was incompatible as well as ¾’s of my software. So, please don’t say Office 2003 is compatible with Windows 7.