Torchlight 2 Preacher Build
Frank sinatra the way you look tonight. Oh k, some comments and bugs are from long time ago. I assume the mod is kinda complete already? Seems like all mods for this game dates from 2013-2014. So im just trying to wash out which mods are fully finished and which ones are kinda abandoned or unfinished. So far im only ussing essensials and synergies and some custom class. Here is a Torchlight 2 Embermage Spellsword Build / Guide submitted by Pog. DISCLAIMER: This guide is very long and, arguably, egotistical at times.I’ll be the first to admit that I enjoy hearing myself talk.
There used to be a website called Torchlight Armoury that people loved to use for calculators for builds to share, but was shut down back in June/July So I can't really link you a build. Most guides out there should work for you, since this game hasn't been updated recentlyBUT here's a website I found to help you outGenerally speaking, Shield Engy needs Flame Hammer, Healing Bot, Forcefield, Fire and Spark, Bulwark, Sword and Board, and Rank 1 Shield Bash. There are a number of skills you can use and it's up to you to do whatever you want. It's arguable that Frostwave is better than PBolt since it eventually reaches 5 waves per spell, same as PBolt's 5 bolts per spell, but FW is massive aoe and instantly maxes your charge bar.That being said PBolt probably casts 2-3x faster, can be shot around corners and over cliffs, and in terms of single target focus does about 2x faster dps.Buuut you'd also need to cast both Hailstorm AND Firestorm to achieve max dps, both very slow spells to cast, whereas with FW you'd only need Hailstorm.So I guess what I'm trying to say that every embermage spell is situational and viable. My current Elite HC embermage (lvl 31) has almost every spell: firebomb, blazing pillar, infernal collapse, hailstorm, frost phase, elemental boon, frostwave, pbolt, thunder locus, elemental attunement, all 3 brands, frozen fate, and prismatic rift.
Torchlight 2 Builds 2018